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SourceFileGlob ​


  • Properties
    • glob
    • excluding
    • compilerFlags
    • codeGen
    • compilationCondition
  • Methods
    • glob(_:excluding:compilerFlags:codeGen:compilationCondition:)
    • glob(_:excluding:compilerFlags:codeGen:compilationCondition:)
public struct SourceFileGlob: Codable, Equatable, Sendable

A glob pattern configuration representing source files and its compiler flags, if any.

Properties ​

glob ​

public var glob: Path

Glob pattern to the source files.

excluding ​

public var excluding: [Path]

Glob patterns for source files that will be excluded.

compilerFlags ​

public var compilerFlags: String?

The compiler flags to be set to the source files in the sources build phase.

codeGen ​

public var codeGen: FileCodeGen?

The source file attribute to be set in the build phase.

compilationCondition ​

public var compilationCondition: PlatformCondition?

Source file condition for compilation

Methods ​

glob(_:excluding:compilerFlags:codeGen:compilationCondition:) ​

public static func glob(
    _ glob: Path,
    excluding: [Path] = [],
    compilerFlags: String? = nil,
    codeGen: FileCodeGen? = nil,
    compilationCondition: PlatformCondition? = nil
) -> Self

Returns a source glob pattern configuration.

  • Parameters:
    • glob: Glob pattern to the source files.
    • excluding: Glob patterns for source files that will be excluded.
    • compilerFlags: The compiler flags to be set to the source files in the sources build phase.
    • codeGen: The source file attribute to be set in the build phase.
    • compilationCondition: Condition for file compilation.

Parameters ​

globGlob pattern to the source files.
excludingGlob patterns for source files that will be excluded.
compilerFlagsThe compiler flags to be set to the source files in the sources build phase.
codeGenThe source file attribute to be set in the build phase.
compilationConditionCondition for file compilation.

glob(_:excluding:compilerFlags:codeGen:compilationCondition:) ​

public static func glob(
    _ glob: Path,
    excluding: Path?,
    compilerFlags: String? = nil,
    codeGen: FileCodeGen? = nil,
    compilationCondition: PlatformCondition? = nil
) -> Self

Released under the MIT License.