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Package ​

extension Package

Methods ​

package(url:from:) ​

public static func package(url: String, from version: Version) -> Package

Create a package dependency that uses the version requirement, starting with the given minimum version, going up to the next major version.

This is the recommended way to specify a remote package dependency. It allows you to specify the minimum version you require, allows updates that include bug fixes and backward-compatible feature updates, but requires you to explicitly update to a new major version of the dependency. This approach provides the maximum flexibility on which version to use, while making sure you don't update to a version with breaking changes, and helps to prevent conflicts in your dependency graph.

The following example allows the Swift package manager to select a version like a 1.2.3, 1.2.4, or 1.3.0, but not 2.0.0.

.package(url: "", from: "1.2.3"),

  • Parameters:
    • url: The valid Git URL of the package.
    • version: The minimum version requirement.

Parameters ​

urlThe valid Git URL of the package.
versionThe minimum version requirement.

package(url:_:) ​

public static func package(url: String, _ requirement: Package.Requirement) -> Package

Add a remote package dependency given a version requirement.

  • Parameters:
    • url: The valid Git URL of the package.
    • requirement: A dependency requirement. See static methods on Package.Dependency.Requirement for available options.

Parameters ​

urlThe valid Git URL of the package.
requirementA dependency requirement. See static methods on Package.Dependency.Requirement for available options.

package(url:_:) ​

public static func package(url: String, _ range: Range<Version>) -> Package

Add a package dependency starting with a specific minimum version, up to but not including a specified maximum version.

The following example allows the Swift package manager to pick versions 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, but not 1.2.6.

.package(url: "", "1.2.3"..<"1.2.6"),
  • Parameters:
    • url: The valid Git URL of the package.
    • range: The custom version range requirement.

Parameters ​

urlThe valid Git URL of the package.
rangeThe custom version range requirement.

package(url:_:) ​

public static func package(url: String, _ range: ClosedRange<Version>) -> Package

Add a package dependency starting with a specific minimum version, going up to and including a specific maximum version.

The following example allows the Swift package manager to pick versions 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, as well as 1.2.6.

.package(url: "", "1.2.3"..."1.2.6"),
  • Parameters:
    • url: The valid Git URL of the package.
    • range: The closed version range requirement.

Parameters ​

urlThe valid Git URL of the package.
rangeThe closed version range requirement.

package(path:) ​

public static func package(path: Path) -> Package

Add a dependency to a local package on the filesystem.

The Swift Package Manager uses the package dependency as-is and does not perform any source control access. Local package dependencies are especially useful during development of a new package or when working on multiple tightly coupled packages.

  • Parameter path: The path of the package.

Parameters ​

pathThe path of the package.

package(url:version:) ​

package(url:branch:) ​

package(url:revision:) ​

package(url:range:) ​

Released under the MIT License.