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ArchiveAction ​


  • Properties
    • configuration
    • revealArchiveInOrganizer
    • customArchiveName
    • preActions
    • postActions
  • Methods
    • archiveAction(configuration:revealArchiveInOrganizer:customArchiveName:preActions:postActions:)
public struct ArchiveAction: Equatable, Codable, Sendable

An action that archives the built products.

It's initialized with the .archiveAction static method.

Properties ​

configuration ​

public var configuration: ConfigurationName

Indicates the build configuration to run the archive with.

revealArchiveInOrganizer ​

public var revealArchiveInOrganizer: Bool

If set to true, Xcode will reveal the Organizer on completion.

customArchiveName ​

public var customArchiveName: String?

Set if you want to override Xcode's default archive name.

preActions ​

public var preActions: [ExecutionAction]

A list of actions that are executed before starting the archive process.

postActions ​

public var postActions: [ExecutionAction]

A list of actions that are executed after the archive process.

Methods ​

archiveAction(configuration:revealArchiveInOrganizer:customArchiveName:preActions:postActions:) ​

public static func archiveAction(
    configuration: ConfigurationName,
    revealArchiveInOrganizer: Bool = true,
    customArchiveName: String? = nil,
    preActions: [ExecutionAction] = [],
    postActions: [ExecutionAction] = []
) -> ArchiveAction

Initialize a ArchiveAction

  • Parameters:
    • configuration: Indicates the build configuration to run the archive with.
    • revealArchiveInOrganizer: If set to true, Xcode will reveal the Organizer on completion.
    • customArchiveName: Set if you want to override Xcode's default archive name.
    • preActions: A list of actions that are executed before starting the archive process.
    • postActions: A list of actions that are executed after the archive process.

Parameters ​

configurationIndicates the build configuration to run the archive with.
revealArchiveInOrganizerIf set to true, Xcode will reveal the Organizer on completion.
customArchiveNameSet if you want to override Xcode’s default archive name.
preActionsA list of actions that are executed before starting the archive process.
postActionsA list of actions that are executed after the archive process.

Released under the MIT License.