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Get started with Tuist Cloud

To start using Tuist Cloud, you need to have a project that you managed through the Tuist. If you don't have one, we recommend starting from the installation guide.

Tuist Cloud is CLI-first, meaning that the actions you'd traditionally do on the web, you can do them from the command line. The first to start using Tuist Cloud is to sign up. For that, you can run the following command:

tuist cloud auth


Like GitHub you projects (repositories in the context of GitHub) can be part of an organizations or your personal account. Account and organizations have handles, which are unique across the platform. For example, the Tuist organization uses the tuist handle.

Create an organization Optional

If you are part of an organization to which you want to invite other members, you can create an organization.


This is not necessary if you are working by yourself because you can create projects under your personal account.

tuist cloud organization create my-organization # Create organization

Organization SSO

If you have a Google Workspace organization and you want any developer who signs in with the same Google hosted domain to be added to your Tuist organization, you can set it up with:

tuist cloud organization update sso my-organization --provider google --organization-id


You must be authenticated with Google using an email tied to the organization whose domain you are setting up.

Create a project

The next step is to create a project. You can easily do that with the following command:

tuist cloud project create my-project
tuist cloud project create my-project -o my-organization

After creating the project, modify your Tuist/Config.swift file to reference the new project:

import ProjectDescription

let config = Config(cloud: .cloud(projectId: "my-organization/my-project"))


The project identifier is formed by concatenating the organization or user handle and the project handle with a slash. For example, the Tuist organization uses the tuist handle, and the project is named tuist. The project identifier would be tuist/tuist.


As user

Developers on your team can access Tuist Cloud if they are authenticated and added as members of the organization, which you can do using the tuist cloud organization invite command.

As project (e.g. for CI)

For CI environments, authentication is managed differently; it's done using project-scoped tokens. These tokens possess restricted permissions compared to those of the organization, including the ability to warm the cache with binaries. To obtain this token, you can execute the following command:

tuist cloud project token my-project -o my-organization

You will then need to set the token as an environment variable named TUIST_CONFIG_CLOUD_TOKEN to make it accessible.


How environment secret environment variables are exposed in CI environments varies depending on the CI provider. Ensure you follow the guidelines provided by your CI provider to securely manage these tokens.

Tuist and Tuist Cloud integration

When the Tuist Cloud configuration is set up, and there's a valid session, either as a user or project, Tuist Cloud features will be available automatically without any additional configuration or actions. This is the beauty of Tuist Cloud's setup–it doesn't require the installation of additional tools, plumbing, or configuration. It just works™.

Released under the MIT License.